University of São Paulo
The University of São Paulo (USP) is a public university, maintained by the State of São Paulo and affiliated with the State Secretariat of Economic, Scientific and Technological Development. Various world rankings, created to measure the quality of universities according to various criteria, particularly those related to scientific productivity, have widely recognized the talent and dedication of USP professors, students and employees.
Campuses and unities
Click on the appropriate link in order to access the site of the required teaching or research unit:

- Schoool of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EACH)
- School of Communication and Arts (ECA)
- School of Physical Education and Sports (EEFE)
- School of Nursing (EE)
- Polytechnic School (Poli)
- School of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU)
- School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCF)
- Law School (FD)
- School of Economics, Administration and Accounting (FEA)
- School of Education (FE)
- School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences (FFLCH)
- School of Medicine (FM)
- School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry (FMVZ)
- School of Dentistry (FO)
- School of Public Health (FSP)
- Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Science (IAG)
- Institute of Bioscience (IB)
- Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICB)
- Institute of Energy and Environment (IEE)
- Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA)
- Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB)
- Physics Institute (IF)
- Geosciences Institute (IGc)
- Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME)
- São Paulo Institute of Tropical Medicine (IMT)
- Psychology Institute (IP)
- Chemistry Institute (IQ)
- Institute of International Relations (IRI)
- Oceanographic Institute (IO)

- Ribeirão Preto School of Physical Education and Sports (EEFERP)
- Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing (EERP)
- Ribeirão Preto School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCFRP)
- Ribeirão Preto Law School (FDRP)
- Ribeirão Preto School of Economics, Administration and Accounting (FEARP)
- Ribeirão Preto School of Philosophy, Science and Literature (FFCLRP)
- Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine (FMRP)
- Ribeirão Preto School of Dentistry (FORP)
International Cooperation
Universidade de São Paulo has an International Cooperation Office whose aim is to promote students, faculty and researchers’ mobility by enhancing cooperation and helping with mobility logistics. Nowadays, USP has over 1,000 international agreements with several institutions all over the world. Students and faculty members enjoy a multicultural environment with people of different cultural backgrounds. Access:
Statistical Yearbook
In 1987 the University of São Paulo began the publication of its Statistical Yearbook (Anuário Estatístico). Its objective was to unite and consolidate some demographic and academic statistics about the University, which would become an instrument for the support of management and planning of its academic, research and service activities.
Statistical Yearbook